Landing, New Jersey on Lake Hopatcong, Roxbury Township NJ

Landing, New Jersey, on Scenic Lake Hopatcong, Roxbury Township, NJ !!

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Fall comes to Lake Louise in Landing NJ
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see past Landing scenic photos

Welcome to the Landing, New Jersey
 Community Website !!

Landing New Jersey serves as the gateway to scenic Lake Hopatcong with our two Marinas and the State Park and is part of the municipality of Roxbury Township in western Morris County. Our Landing neighborhoods include Port Morris, Silver Springs, Kings Cove, Kingsland and Shore Hills. We are suburban in character, interspersed with pleasant tracts of woods and several small ponds. Landing sits "high" in New Jersey, the business area is at an altitude of 950 feet, with some streets in the Shore Hills area reaching 1,200 feet ! Landing has a population of approx 6,800 people, several dozen white-tailed deer, a few bears, and one elusive water creature named "Hoppie", a distant cousin of the Loch Ness "monster" who lives in the depths Hoppie Lake Hopatcong Monsterof Lake Hopatcong and can occasionally be seen swimming on the surface of the water. Please don't think of him as a sea monster, he is actually quite friendly! is a community public service, edited by a long-time homeowner of Landing. The website that's by Landing NJ people, for Landing NJ people ! Over 52 present & former Landing residents have written remembrances that appear on our Letters Page. You're invited to submit your vintage old Landing photos, stories & history as well as ideas for additional pages to us. In addition to the information pages we've already posted, we stand ready to use our "voice" to help Landing get it's fair share of resources. While we sometimes point out areas of concern that need to be addressed, we think Landing, NJ 07850 is a great place to live.  

NEW!! - The Ice House and Fire of 1912 in Photos !!

Constant Electric Utility Woes from JCP&L
October 2024 multiple Outages!!

NEW & Recomended:
Online Homeschool for New Jersey Residents

Online Certificate Programs for New Jersey Residents

This website is

More Landing NJ Info & History Pages

Port Morris NJ History Project

Landing History    Historical Photos     Museum    Retail Stores    Service Businesses  
 For Parents     Restaurants     Township Info     Schools      Links      About Us   
Bertrand Island    Letters to the Editor      Memorabilia    Rogerene Settlers   

Walker's Sunoco Station      Vintage Photo Submissions by Readers     
Humorous & Novelty Lake Hopatcong Postcards   l  Utility Woes
   Hopatcong Bear Farm and Zoo memories     
 Lake Hopatcong State Park Info
Historic Lake Hopatcong Train Station

Port Morris History  l  Port Morris during WW2

Sal Valentino on growing up in Port Morris

Vintage Family Photos   l   Red Men Lodge in Port Morris

NEW!!  The Railroad in Port Morris

Barbara Carmean Dickisson, photos and stories
Barbara's Port Morris Vintage Photos

“God who gave us life, gave us liberty. And can the liberties of a nation be thought secure when we have removed their
only firm basis, a conviction in the minds of the people that these liberties are the gift of God?”
  Thomas Jefferson
“The fundamental basis of this nation’s laws was given to Moses on the Mount. If we don’t have a proper
fundamental moral background, we will finally end up with a totalitarian government
which does not believe in rights for anybody except the State”
   Harry Truman

We are your Independant, LOCAL Neighborhood Website!

This website is a public service of, a community website by one of your neighbors.
Landing, NJ is part of Roxbury Township, a link to the "official" Town website is on our "Links" page.
Website design Copyright © 2002, 2024 All Rights Reserved
Site Updated October 12, 2024  -  Go Roxbury High School Gaels !!